Free Directors' Resolution

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Directors' Resolution



Frequently Asked Questions
Why does it matter if there's a meeting?It matters because your Directors' Resolution document is required to reflect if the resolution is passed in a meeting with the directors or just with this document.

Note: The resolution itself remains the same; the only adjustments are to the official document's title and format.
What does it mean if I select yes?Yes means that:

• Your Directors' Resolution's wording will reflect that it passed with a meeting.

• This questionnaire will ask you some necessary questions about that meeting.

Note: A Directors' Resolution that is passed with a meeting may not need all directors to sign, depending on what is outlined in the company's bylaws and articles, as well as local legislation.
What does it mean if I select no?No means that:

• Your resolution will indicate that it passed without a meeting.

• This questionnaire will exclude meeting questions.

Note: A Directors' Resolution that is passed without a meeting will often also need the signatures of all directors in order to officially pass.

Your Directors' Resolution

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MINUTES OF A MEETING OF DIRECTORS of _________________________ (the "Corporation") held at _________________________ on this 31st day of August, 2024.

  1. The following member was present, constituting the entire board:

  2. The sole director of the Corporation being present, formal notice calling the meeting was dispensed with, and the meeting declared to be regularly called.
  3. UPON A MOTION DULY MADE, seconded and unanimously carried, _________________________ acted as Chairperson of the meeting and _________________________ as Secretary of the meeting.
  4. The following memorandum was then read and ordered to be inserted in these minutes: "I, the sole director of the Corporation consent to this meeting being held at the above time and place and do waive notice and publication of this meeting, and consent to the transaction of such business, as may have come before it, as testified by my signature below."

    ______________________________ (Signature)

  5. Minutes of the last regular meeting were read and, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, were adopted as read.
  6. The Chairperson presented to the meeting and thereupon the following resolutions were offered, seconded and unanimously adopted.
  2. The Corporation is a corporation organized and operating under the laws of the Province of Alberta.
The remainder of this document will be available when you have purchased a licence.

Last Updated February 8, 2024

What is a Directors' Resolution?

The board of directors in a corporation is responsible for making significant business decisions. As such, it's important to use a Directors' Resolution to record any of their decisions and actions

You can use LawDepot's Directors' Resolution with or without a formal meeting of directors.

This document is also known as a:

  • Board Resolution
  • Board of Directors' Resolution
  • Corporate Directors' Resolution
  • Minutes of the Directors' Meeting

Who are the parties in a Directors' Resolution?

Generally, a Directors' Resolution involves the following parties:

  • The directors: The elected or appointed shareholder representatives. Together, they oversee the company's operations. 
  • The shareholders: The people who invest and own shares in the company. 
  • A chairperson: A director, elected by the board, who sets the agenda and leads the meeting.
  • A secretary: An advisor to the board of directors that coordinates meetings and records meeting minutes.
  • The officers: Appointed positions such as the president, CEO, treasurer, etc.

What decisions can be made in a Directors' Resolution?

Some of the decisions that can be recorded in a Directors' Resolution are:

  • Appointing an officer
  • Authorizing a loan
  • Entering into a contract
  • Purchasing a corporate asset
  • Selling a corporate asset

You can also add a custom resolution, although most people don't need to. If needed, LawDepot's Directors' Resolution template includes guidelines for writing your own resolution.

Do all directors need to sign the board resolution?

Typically, if a formal meeting of the directors does not take place, then all directors who are “entitled to vote on the resolution” will be required to sign the resolution.

If a formal meeting does take place, then only the secretary and/or chairperson of the meeting may be required to sign.

However, signing requirements may be modified by your company’s incorporation documents, bylaws and/or your local laws.

Related Documents:

Directors' Resolution Template Sample Thumbnail


Directors' Resolution

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