Anyone can create Just-in-Case Instructions at any time because they’re meant to be used in situations when you can’t be reached.
For example, if you are planning to travel for an extended period of time, you could leave these instructions to someone entrusted to water your plants and take care of your pets while you’re away. In this case, the person could read the instructions to find the combination to the keypad on your door, information about your pet’s feeding schedule, and contact information for your veterinarian.
These instructions can also help in emergency situations, like if you suddenly become incapacitated. If something should happen to you, friends or family could refer to these instructions to locate information about your health care or insurance policies, figure out where and how to collect your mail, and communicate with your employer or clients.
Finally, Just-in-Case Instructions can be invaluable to your family members and executor when settling your estate after you’ve passed away because of the time saved searching for important documents, assets, and personal belongings.