Free Model and Entertainment Release

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Model and Entertainment Release


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Your Model and Entertainment Release

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THIS MODEL RELEASE (the "Agreement") is made and entered into this ____________________ (the "Execution Date"),


____________________ of
____________________, _______________, _______________ __________
Email: _______________
Phone: _______________
(the "Artist")



  Model Name ________________________________________
  Street Address ________________________________________
  City, Province, Postal code ________________________________________
  Email ________________________________________
  Home Phone ________________________________________
  Work Phone ________________________________________
  Cell Phone ________________________________________

(the "Model")



  1. The Artist may choose or is currently engaged in the business of creating media, which includes but is not limited to engaging in the following activities for personal and commercial gain:
    • photography, photo editing, and photo production; digital photography, digital photo editing, and digital photo production; and web design and production.
  2. The Model consents to being a subject of the Artist in media. The Model will allow the Artist to capture images and sound recordings for use in media.  


THE ARTIST IS RELEASED OF LIABILITY: For good and valuable consideration herein acknowledged as received, the Model releases the Artist and assigns permission to license all images and sound recordings and to use of images and sound recordings in any media for any purpose which may include, among others, advertising, promotion, marketing and packaging for any product or service. The Model agrees that any images and sound recordings may be combined with other images, text and graphics, cropped, altered and modified.

THE ARTIST RETAINS ALL RIGHTS: The Model agrees that the Artist has all rights to images and sound recordings, for perpetuity unless explicitly noted in this Agreement. The Model acknowledges and agrees that the Artist is not liable for any further consideration, accounting, or claim for any reason.

DURATION OF AGREEMENT: The Model acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement is binding on all heirs and assigns. The Model acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual.

This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties to this release and the terms of this Agreement are contractual and not a mere recital.

This Agreement will be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the Province of Alberta.




____________________ (Model)

I am the parent or legal guardian of the minor above named as the Model, and I have legal authority to execute this Agreement on the Model's behalf. I have read and fully understood the contents of this Agreement, and consent to the said use of images and sound recordings based on the contents of this Agreement.




____________________ (Parent)

For good and valuable consideration, the Model releases ____________________ and assigns permission to license and use all images and sound recordings in any media and for any purpose. The Model agrees that ____________________ has all rights to images and sound recordings for perpetuity. This agreement is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual.

Model Name (Print): __________________________

Model Signature:   _________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature*: ______________________

Date:   _____________________________
*required if Model is under the legal age of majority.

What is a Model and Entertainment Release?

A Model and Entertainment Release is a binding document granting a person or company creative rights to use a model's likeness in photographs or videos. Using a release is essential when an artist wants to license, edit, publish, and distribute a model’s likeness for personal or commercial gain.

A model’s likeness is anything that identifies them, including their:

  • Face
  • Body
  • Voice
  • Silhouette
  • Identifiable marks (e.g. birthmarks or tattoos)

A Model and Entertainment Release is also known as a:

  • Photography model release form
  • Photo release form
  • Talent release form
  • Video release form

Who are the parties to a Model and Entertainment Release?

A Model and Entertainment Release has two parties in the agreement:

  • The artist is the freelancer or business capturing and using the model’s likeness. Generally, the artist is a photographer or videographer.
  • The model grants permission for the artist to use their likeness.

If a model is a minor (anyone under 18 years of age), the artist will need a parent or guardian’s consent to use their likeness.

Why do I need a Model and Entertainment Release?

A Model and Entertainment Release helps protect an artist from future liability. If an artist doesn’t have a release, a model can demand the artist to stop using their likeness (e.g., sending a Cease and Desist). 

Without a signed release, an artist may not be able to prove they had consent to use the model’s likeness. A signed release prevents disputes and legal action.

Having a release ensures an artist complies with privacy rights in Canada. Privacy rights can arise from common law or privacy acts based on the artist’s province or territory. For example, Quebec’s Civil Code Chapter 3 outlines the need for consent when using someone’s likeness. Meanwhile, British Columbia has the Privacy Act, which states the same need for consent.  

A release is crucial because it establishes the artist's rights to use a particular work or works featuring the model. It can also assure a model that the artist will use their likeness for the intended purposes.

LawDepot’s template is customizable to each province and territory to create a legally binding agreement in your jurisdiction.

When do I use a Model and Entertainment Release?

Artists in production need a signed Model and Entertainment Release before any shoot. A release is crucial if the model’s likeness is being used for promotional purposes. This includes:

  • Commercials or advertising materials for TV, print, online, and social media platforms
  • Photo editing and production, including digital retouches
  • Filming and television production
  • Photography and stock imagery
  • Webdesign and production

Artists who take photos or videos for personal use on public property may not need a release.  However, if an artist takes pictures or videos in a public space for promotional purposes, they must obtain a signed release if they capture someone’s recognizable likeness.

Our release template offers the addition of a one-page release, also known as a pocket-sized release. This format includes all the essential release components to create a binding contract that an artist can use for on-the-go location shoots.

How do I write a Model and Entertainment Release?

Artists and models can use LawDepot’s Model and Entertainment Release template for photography and videography projects. Create your release with the following steps:

1. Select a release type

You can select a reusable template if you have multiple models for one project or a one-time form for just one model participating in a shoot. 

Then, choose the province or territory where the photographer works and the purpose of your release. You can choose to cover photos, videos, or both for the model to grant consent.  

2. Include both parties' details

Continue by including the necessary contact details for both parties.

For example, say you’re a camera operator creating a single-use release. You’ll include your or your company’s contact details. Then, proceed to include the name and contact information for your model. 

If the model is a minor, you can customize your release to allow a parent or guardian to sign on their child’s behalf. 

3. Add location and signing details

If there are additional details you need to include in your release, you can create additional clauses specific to your shoot. Most releases don’t need additional clauses.

Continue to make your release by adding the signing date. You can include a signing date now, or add it later. When creating your signing details, you’ll need to include the city where the release will be signed. 

Finally, include if a witness will be present during the release’s signing

Do I need a witness when signing a Model and Entertainment Release?

Though a witness is not a legal requirement for a release form, it’s good practice to have one when signing contracts

A witness can assist in validating signatures if there are any future disputes or misunderstandings about the release. Should there be any questions regarding a release’s validity, a witness can also back up the fact that no coercion, forgery, or undue influence was involved while signing.

Related Documents:

  • Release/Waiver Agreement: Write a document to release an individual or corporation from liability that arises out of a dispute.
  • Independent Contractor Agreement: Create a document to outline the terms of a working relationship between a contractor and client.
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement: Create a binding contract to keep specific information confidential for your business or professional setting.
  • Confidentiality Agreement: Create an agreement to share and protect sensitive information for a business, sale, and more.
  • Performance Contract: Write a contract outlining the terms and conditions when hiring a performer for a private or commercial event.
  • Activity Waiver: Write a waiver between an activity provider and participant to prevent future liability for injuries or damages.
  • Cease and Desist: Issue a letter to resolve a dispute between you and other parties.
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Model and Entertainment Release

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