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Notice To Enter



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Notice To Enter

Dear _____________________________________,

This letter serves as formal notice of the intention to enter the rental property at ______________________________________________________.

Date and time of entry: September 7, 2024, from approximately 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

This entry is necessary in order to inspect the condition of the premises.

Access to rental property is permitted by law so long as reasonable notice is provided to the tenant. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact _____________________________________ at __________________________.

Thank you for your cooperation.


(Print Name)   (Signature)

Contact: _____________________________________
Phone: __________________________

Date this notice was given or mailed: __________________________

Last Updated January 31, 2024

Notice to Enter

Alternate Names:

A Notice to Enter is also known as a/an:

  • Entry Notice
  • Notice of Entry
  • 24-Hour Notice to Enter
  • Letter of Intent to Enter

What is a Notice to Enter?

A landlord or property manager uses a Notice to Enter, or Entry Notice, to inform a tenant that they will be entering the rental suite in the near future.

The notice will include a specific date when the landlord or property manager will be entering the property (typically with a minimum of 24 hours' notice), as well as a specific time range describing how long the landlord or property manager will be in the rental unit.

A Notice to Enter can be used to give notice to a tenant living in any sort of residential lease or rental property, like an apartment, condo, house, or basement suite.

When should I use a Notice to Enter?

As a landlord or property manager, you should use an Entry Notice any time you are going to enter a tenant's rental unit unless the tenant has already given permission to enter or in the case of an emergency.

The only reasons a landlord should be entering a tenant's apartment are:

  • If a tenant needs something repaired in the unit or if the landlord needs to repair some part of the building that is accessed through the tenant's unit
  • To inspect the property or the state of an on-going repair in the suite
  • For pest control
  • To show the property to prospective renters or purchasers once the lease for the unit in question is no longer being renewed

Why do I need to give a tenant notice to enter their apartment?

Even though you are the owner of the property, your tenants still have a right to privacy. Every province has mandated landlord-tenant legislation, e.g. the Residential Tenancy Act.

These regulations all have some clause explicitly describing a tenant's right to "quiet enjoyment" of the rental property, which refers to their rights to reasonable privacy and freedom of unreasonable disturbance.

As a landlord, if you infringe upon these rights by entering an apartment unannounced, your tenant could pursue legal action against you.

The only times you, as a landlord or property manager, do not need a Notice to Enter are:

  • In a case of emergency: for instance, if you see smoke or water coming out from under the rental unit door and think the property is either on fire or flooding.
  • When the tenant grants you permission to enter: for example, if the tenant calls you about repairs and expresses consent for you or a repair person to enter the unit.
  • If a tenant abandons the property: for example, if the tenant hasn't paid rent for a few months and you haven't heard from the tenant or can't reach them, you may treat the unit as abandoned and enter.

Related Documents:

  • Rental Inspection Report: a document used to itemize the state of a rental property before and after tenants move in
  • Residential Rental/Lease Agreement: a contract between a landlord and tenant that lays out the renting terms of a specific unit or property before a tenant moves in
  • Lease Amendment: a document that allows the tenant and landlord in an existing lease agreement to make changes to terms in said lease without creating an entirely new one
  • Residential Sublease Agreement: an agreement that a tenant uses to lease their rented space to another person, known as a subtenant
  • Rent Receipt: a form that acts as a proof of payment for a tenant's rent being paid
  • Eviction Notice: a document issued by a landlord that informs tenants that they must vacate a property
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