Free Resume

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What are your top work-related skills?

Job Skill

e.g. Fluent in Spanish

Frequently Asked Questions
What types of skills should I include?You can highlight either soft skills, hard skills, or a combination of both. Soft skills are character traits or attributes that describe your work habits and how you relate with others. Examples of soft skills include: enthusiastic, problem-solving, organized, detail-oriented, etc.

Hard skills are teachable abilites, knowledge or techniques you can do well. For instance, typing 60 WPM, fluency in Spanish and French, copywriting, budget forecasting, MS Office proficient, merchandising, etc.

Last Updated December 18, 2024

Related Documents:

  • Cover Letter: Write a letter to complement your Resume and show employers why you are the best candidate for the position.
  • Employment Contract: Create a contract that outlines both the employer and employee’s rights, responsibilities, and obligations.
  • Employment Offer Letter: Write an offer of employment to a potential candidate.
  • Resignation Letter: Write a letter giving formal notice to your employer that you are leaving your current position.
  • Reference List: Create a list of your references for potential employers to contact.
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