Free Roommate Agreement

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Roommate Agreement



Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Roommate Agreement?A Roommate Agreement is a contract made between the residents of a rental unit. The agreement outlines the terms, conditions and responsibilities agreed to by each of the residents. Roommate Agreements are sometimes referred to as Roommate Contracts.

Your Roommate Agreement

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Roommate Agreement

The following roommates (collectively the "Roommates" and individually the "Roommate") have signed this Roommate Agreement (this "Agreement") on the ________ day of ________________, ________ for the following property:

________________________________________________________________ (the "Premises").

Roommate No. 1: _______________________
Roommate No. 2: _______________________
  2. The Roommates acknowledge that one or more Roommates have signed a lease agreement with ____________________, the landlord(s) for the Premises, which commenced on October 27, 2024 and ends on October 27, 2024 (the "Residential Lease Agreement").
  3. This Agreement establishes the rights and responsibilities that the Roommates have with respect to each other. It does not replace or eliminate the rights and responsibilities arising from the Residential Lease Agreement.
  4. Except as provided in this Agreement, the Roommates are liable among themselves jointly and severally for all duties and obligations of a tenant under the Residential Lease Agreement.
  5. TERM
  6. The term of this Agreement ends on October 28, 2024.
  7. RENT
  8. The rent for the Premises is $______________ per week, due and payable on ____________________ of each week (the "Rent").
  9. All Roommates agree that if any act or failure to act by any of them results in any late fees or costs for failure to pay the Rent, including costs of collection, the Roommate(s) who paid late or who did not pay the Rent will be jointly and severally responsible for all costs and fees of the Roommates who paid on time.
  11. The Roommates have collectively paid a security deposit in the amount of: $____________.
  12. Any deductions from the deposit will be shared by all the Roommates in proportion to the amount of deposit paid. However, any damage caused by one of the Roommates and/or their guests will be paid only by that Roommate and will accordingly be deducted from that Roommate's portion of the security deposit.
  13. Each Roommate understands that, unless there is an explicit agreement with the landlord to the contrary, the landlord is obligated only to return the deposit to any one of the Roommates. Each Roommate agrees that if he or she is the one to whom the landlord returns the deposit, he or she will immediately return to the other Roommates their share of the deposit.
  14. Each Roommate agrees to repair and/or pay for any damage he or she causes to the Premises. Each Roommate agrees that if the landlord makes deductions from the security deposit for which that Roommate is responsible, he or she will reimburse the other Roommates for the resulting loss of deposit money.
  16. The Roommates agree that they share a duty to pay for the utilities that are not included in the Rent.
  17. The Roommates understand that if one or more of them does not pay his or her share of a utility bill, the other Roommate(s) must pay the unpaid share(s) or the utility may be discontinued. Each Roommate agrees that if other Roommate(s) pay his or her share of a utility bill, he or she will reimburse the other Roommate(s) as quickly as possible. Each Roommate agrees to pay his or her full share of any utility bill incurred during his or her occupancy of the Premises on or before the date payment is due.
  18. Copies of all bills will be provided for inspection to any Roommate who requests to see the bills. All bills will be kept in a safe place agreed upon by all Roommates to ensure they are available in the event of dispute.
  20. All Roommates agree to act reasonably in their dealings with each other and to refrain from any behaviour, action or inaction that they know, or reasonably ought to know, will interfere with the other Roommates' quiet enjoyment. All Roommates agree to discuss concerns frankly and in a timely manner, and to refrain from emotional outbursts. Should negotiation become necessary, all Roommates agree to negotiate in good faith. All Roommates agree to respect each others' property, privacy and sleep schedules and to comply with all reasonable requests wherever possible.
  22. No Roommate has the authority to force another Roommate to involuntarily end his or her occupation or tenancy unless otherwise agreed in writing.

We, the undersigned, hereby indicate by our signatures below that:

  • we have read this full agreement;
  • we understand all it contains; and
  • we agree to be bound by its terms and conditions.

Roommate 1

Roommate 2



Related Documents:

  • Residential Lease Agreement: outlines the terms of a residential tenancy between a landlord and tenant
  • Tenant Notices: tenants use these forms to give notice to their landlord regarding intent to vacate, needed repairs, or an immediate termination of the lease
  • Lease Assignment: transfers a tenant's entire interest that they have in a property to a third party
  • Residential Sublease Agreement: transfers a tenant's property rights to a third party, known as a subtenant, for the remainder of the residential lease term
Thumbnail of a sample of a Roommate Agreement


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