Free Last Will and Testament

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Last Will and Testament



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Your Last Will and Testament

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LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF __________________________

I, __________________________, presently of ________________________, Alberta, declare that this is my Last Will and Testament.

  2. Prior Wills and Codicils
  3. I revoke all prior Wills and Codicils.
  4. Marital Status
  5. I am not married or in an adult interdependent relationship.
  6. Current Children
  7. I do not have any living children.
  8. The term 'child' or 'children' as used in this Will includes the above listed children and any children of mine that are subsequently born or legally adopted.
  10. Definition
  11. The expression 'my Executor' used throughout this Will includes either the singular or plural number, or the masculine or feminine gender as appropriate wherever the fact or context so requires. The term 'executor' in this Will is synonymous with and includes the terms 'personal representative' and 'executrix'.
  12. Appointment
  13. I appoint __________________________ of __________________________, Alberta as the sole Executor of this Will.
  14. No bond or other security of any kind will be required of any Executor appointed in this Will.
  15. Powers of My Executor
  16. I give and appoint to my Executor the following duties and powers with respect to my estate:
    1. To pay my legally enforceable debts, funeral expenses and all expenses in connection with the administration of my estate and the trusts created by my Will as soon as convenient after my death. If any of the real property devised in my Will remains subject to a mortgage at the time of my death, then I direct that the devisee taking that mortgaged property will take the property subject to that mortgage and that the devisee will not be entitled to have the mortgage paid out or resolved from the remaining assets of the residue of my estate;
    2. To take all legal actions to have the probate of my Will completed as quickly and simply as possible, and as free as possible from any court supervision, under the laws of the Province of Alberta; and
    3. To retain, exchange, insure, repair, improve, sell or dispose of any and all personal property belonging to my estate as my Executor deems advisable without liability for loss or depreciation.
The remainder of this document will be available when you have purchased a licence.

Related Documents:

  • Power of Attorney: Grant someone the authority to make financial and other decisions for you when you can't.
  • Health Care Directive: State your medical preferences when you're incapacitated and name someone to represent your wishes.
  • Codicil: Make changes or additions to your Last Will and Testament.
  • Gift Deed: Give money or property to a person or organization.
  • End-of-Life Plan: Outline your wishes for memorial services and what to do with your remains.
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Last Will and Testament

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