Free Power of Attorney

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Free Power of Attorney

  1. Templates built by legal
  2. Easy to understand legal forms
  3. 7-day trial subscription

Power of Attorney

Attorney Details

Attorney Details

Who do you wish to act on your behalf?

Attorney Details

e.g. Street, City, Province/Territory, Postal Code

Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the Attorney?The person appointed by the donor, and given authority to act for the donor, is called the Attorney.What qualifications does an Attorney need to have?First, the Attorney does not have to be an actual lawyer. The Attorney must be a capable adult. The Attorney cannot be an undischarged bankrupt. The Attorney should not be the owner, operator or employee of a nursing home or extended care facility in which the donor is a resident.What qualities should I look for in an Attorney?Your Attorney must be someone whom you trust completely.

In addition, remember that your Attorney will have complete authority to deal with your financial and legal affairs (subject to any limitations or restrictions specified in your Power of Attorney). You should ensure that the person you choose has adequate financial management skills and sufficient time to handle your affairs properly.

Your Attorney must be available when required, be able to objectively make decisions and be able to keep accurate financial records.
What are the responsibilities of my Attorney?Your Attorney has the following responsibilities:
  • to act in your best interest;
  • to keep accurate records of dealings/transactions undertaken on your behalf;
  • to act for you with the utmost good faith and to avoid situations where there is a conflict of interest; and
  • to keep your property and money separate from their own.
How many Attorneys do I need?One Attorney is normally enough. If you have two or more Attorneys, you must decide if they will act together (jointly) or whether they will have the power to act separately.

Your Power of Attorney

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THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY is given by me, ______________________________, presently of ______________________________________________________________________, on the ______ of __________, _______

  1. Previous Power of Attorney
  2. I REVOKE any previous power of attorney granted by me.
  3. Attorney
  4. I APPOINT ______________, of ____________________________, to act as my Attorney.
  5. Governing Legislation
  6. My Attorney will act in accordance with the  of the Province of , as may be amended from time to time.
  7. Powers of Attorney
  8. My Attorney has authority to do anything on my behalf that I may lawfully do by an attorney (the 'general power').
  9. Attorney Compensation
  10. My Attorney will receive no compensation except for the reimbursement of all out of pocket expenses associated with the carrying out of my wishes.
  11. Co-owning of Assets and Mixing of Funds
  12. My Attorney may not mix any funds owned by him or her in with my funds and all assets should remain separately owned if at all possible.
  13. Personal Gain from Managing My Affairs
  14. My Attorney is not allowed to personally gain from any transaction he or she may complete on my behalf.
  15. Effective Date
  16. This power of attorney will start immediately upon signing. Under no circumstances will the powers granted in this power of attorney continue after my mental incapacity or death.
  17. Attorney Restrictions
  18. This power of attorney is not subject to any conditions or restrictions other than those noted above.
The remainder of this document will be available when you have purchased a licence.

Looking for a Power of Attorney in French?

Use our Procuration.

Related documents

  • Last Will and Testament: Specify how you wish your estate to be dealt with after you die.
  • End-of-Life Plan: Save loved ones from grief by stating what to do with your body and memorial services when you die.
  • Revocation of Power of Attorney: Use this form to revoke an existing Power of Attorney.
  • Gift Deed: Keep a record of any gifts (e.g., property or large sums of money) you bestow to another party.
  • Living Will: Clarify your preferences for medical treatments and appoint a health care proxy.
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Power of Attorney

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